About Us

Coaching is a powerful conversation that gives you space to think and grow in order for you to discover your gifts/skills and reach your potential. 

Our Mission

Our Mission is to help others navigate the currents of life positively through coaching and training.


Who We Are

Jonathan and Rachel Oatridge

Rachel Oatridge

Rachel has been coaching since 2019 - she has completed her accredited coaching diploma and is a Member of the Association for Coaching. Rachel’s passion is to see people experience true contentment and fulfilment through reaching their potential in every area of their lives. She seeks to facilitate this through coaching (in business, education, charity and health sectors as well as for private individuals) and training (e.g. listening skills). As well as being a life coach she is a qualified Occupational Therapist - most of her OT career has been working with children, young people and families who have been impacted by long term disabilities, but she also has a special interest and experience in using coaching to empower individuals/families to manage the effects of health conditions. Rachel has experience of working in schools (both as an Occupational Therapist and as a TA) and working with women with life-controlling issues such as domestic abuse and drug/alcohol abuse. She has a Masters degree in Contextual Theology and is currently a Mission Enabler for Northern Lincolnshire in partnership with Rural Ministries. Having been born in Northern Ireland, lived in Scotland and now living in England, Rachel feels truly “United-Kingdomish” (she just needs to live in Wales, but visits there fairly regularly)! Rachel loves reading, horse-riding, walking and paddle-boarding; is married to Jonathan; and has two amazing and inspiring daughters.

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Jonathan Oatridge

Jonathan loves adventure particularly outdoor activities which move him out of his comfort zone such as Mountain Walking, Rock Climbing and Windsurfing. Jonathan has been coaching since 2017 and currently coaches a variety of people as well as running numerous courses. He has completed The COACH model course (2018); a Diploma in Coaching (2021); and is a Member of the Association for Coaching. He previously worked as a Civil Engineer in Uganda and then the South East of England and was a member of the Institute of Civil Engineering. Jonathan then went on to retrain to lead faith communities as an Accredited Baptist Minister for 16 years before setting up Oatridge Coaching Ltd to help people to reach their potential and be the best person they can be. He has been married to Rachel since 2002 and this has helped him grow and develop into a better person. Jonathan has two teenage daughters who keep him on his toes and youthful. He would like to travel around New Zealand in a camper-van with his family before he is 55

My dream is to see people experience true contentment and fulfilment

Rachel Oatridge

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